UPDATE: Mike Linksvayer wrote great review of this book.
We are proud to announce, that finally we selected 10 works which will make it to our „Future of copyright” book. Winner is among them, but you need to wait just a little bit more – jury is still deciding. Here are works we have selected, in alphabetic order:
* Jesse Betteridge „The Brick in Room 207”
* Reuben Binns „History of Copyright 2012-Present”
* Eddie „In Session”
* Mike Linksvayer „Future of Copyright”
* Aymeric Mansoux „Morphology of a copyright tale”
* Alf Melin „Remote Kill”
* Carlos Solís „Blurred – a utopian story”
* Roland Spitzlinger „Future of Copyright”
* Togi „Give”
* Jarosław Żyła „Heritage of ACTA”
Full list of submitted works is available on the contest action page. Thanks to all participating and supporting our case! Now we are busy producing perks, we will keep you updated!